Design and Engineering
At Budde Sheet Metal Works, Inc. we believe in providing the highest quality service and technical assistance in product design and cost effective solutions. We have a highly skilled engineering/project management staff who are able to understand and meet the requirements of our customers.
In the 99 years that Budde Sheet Metal has been in the business we have stayed on the cutting edge of product development because we realize that new technology not only benefits us, but our customers as well.
Budde Sheet Metal has 3D CAM/CAD, precision CNC laser cutting, CNC punching, CNC laser etching, and a fully equipped fabrication shop to meet all of our customer needs.
We utilize 3D Solid Modeling software in the design process which allows us to detect and correct any errors that may have been present in the older 2D design process; thus eliminating design and fit-up problems in the computer and not on the shop floor.
These technologies along with CAM software, that Budde helped develop, enables us to quickly move our 3D data from the CAD system to the CAM system without the loss of the intelligent 3D data attributes. This further eliminates common errors that may arise during the translation process from CAD to CAM.